Bali Retreat

International Feminine Embodiment Retreat

Embark on a Lush, Transformational Retreat savouring the Feminine Embodiment Arts – with the Magical Island of Bali

Join our 3 day alchemical, immersive retreat, designed for women seeking to connect with their soulful gifts, feminine power & magic.

Can you feel it? Women are rising!

More than ever the planet is benefitting from women stepping into their embodied feminine power, and what more potent way to embrace this then through the divine, feminine arts.

It is time for women to feel, express & radiate their authentic, innate magnificence!

This retreat is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to embrace this revolution.

Come for 3 days of lush feminine magic, and experience the power of the feminine in all her radiance.

Or … come for 7 days and immerse in this experiential & influential training to become a Feminine Embodiment Facilitator.

If you are a Healer, Therapist, Mentor, Coach, Guide, Facilitator, Leader, Artist, Medicine Woman; or simply have a desire to be with women and be part of the transformation on the planet – then this retreat & training is for you!

This Retreat & Internationally Certified Training is available for women worldwide,

whatever your background or education.

Retreat Training Immersions:

  • Feminine Arts
  • Expressive Therapies
  • Embodied Practice
  • Art Ritual & Ceremony
  • Womb Healing
  • Shamanic Journeying
  • Breath & Sound
  • Somatic Transpersonal Temple Arts
  • Rites of Passage




Experience the Power of a

3 or 7 Day Retreat in Bali ….

The 3 Day Retreat Includes:


* A lush, embodied feminine retreat including art, dance, song, temples, water immersion … and more

The Full 7 Day Retreat Includes:


* All of the above …  plus Shamanic Journeying, Ceremony, Breathwork,, Deep Sisterhood, Waterfall immersion, Sacred Somatic Practice … & Practitioner Training with the magic of the Feminine.


* Plus – a 6month Internationally Accredited & Certified Training in the Embodied Feminine Arts, with insured for you to practice the power of Feminine Embodiment worldwide.

Experience 3 Days of Lush, Feminine Nourishment ….



Experience the Full 7 Days of Sacred Feminine Arts & Facilitator Training.

About Your 7 Day Bali Retreat


* Exclusive Deluxe Retreat Venue

* Delicious, Fresh Plant Based Cuisine

* Daily Complimentary Buffet

Elemental Wisdom for the Feminine Spirit

* Activations to Enliven your Feminine Body

* All natural soap & shampoo and made locally in Bali

* Daily maid service and 24 hour security and free Wifi

* Unlimited supply of drinking water, tea selection + Balinese coffee

* Private swimming pool, far infrared sauna, hot tub jacuzzi. 

* Private Accomodation & Bathrooms

* Group Airport / Hotel pick up & drop off

Deeply Rejuvenating for Mind, Body and Spirit

* Peaceful Nature & Venue

* Day visit to Sacred Water Temple

* Opportunity to visit: Temples, Waterfalls & Pyramids of Chi

* Daily Meditation & Morning Yoga

* Embodied Practices for Self Care

* Ceremony & Sacred Ritual

* 7 Day in person Finale Retreat

* Discounted Balinese massage

* Discounted colonics (optional)

You will Receive:

* Practices for Increasing Innate Sensual & Erotic Intelligence

* Meditations & Practices that Align you with your Highest Self

* Embodiment Skills for Grounding & Soothing the Nervous System

Elemental Wisdom for Leading you on your Sacred Path

* Activations to Enliven your Feminine Body

* Therapeutic Strategies – assisting you to Clear Ancient, Feminine Wounding

* Understanding on the Principles of the Feminine, celebrating power, wisdom and truth

* Clarity for releasing the Patriarchy from your behaviours, freeing your creative lens & energising your field

* Ancient Teachings of the Feminine: to Awaken the Divine Feminine within

* Awakening of Feminine Abundance Principles and Activating of your Divine Light Codes

Outcomes & Professional Skills:

* Skills in Creating & Running Womens Circle’s
* Knowledge of the Breath & Tools for Leading Breathwork Sessions
* The principles of Conscious Dance and how to weave into Sessions & Facilitation
* Skills for Applying Art Therapeutically for one-on-one Sessions and in Groups
* De-coding the Power of Symbols & how to Apply in Sessions & Group work
* Principles of Ceremony & how to Apply in Practice & Business
* Skills for Awakening your Sacred Sound, Opening your Throat Portal & Freeing your Voice of Power
* Understanding of the Transpersonal Realm & traversing of Sacred territory
* Facilitation Skills in Holding Space & Facilitating Groups
* Demonstrations of how to Apply Sacred Knowledge in an online capacity with Truth & Integrity
* Skills for Developing Sisterhood & Increasing Intimacy in Group Spaces
* Initiations into the Feminine Arts & Rites of Passage
* Womb work, Feminine Healing, Embodied Activation of your Body Temple

Our Internationally Recognised Training Includes:

❤️ Fortnightly Live Temple immersions

❤️ Women’s Wisdom Temple Fortnightly online live classes
❤️ Comprehensive Training Manuals
❤️ Mentoring Guidance & Templates
❤️ Embodied Practitioner Self Care
❤️ Audio Lectures & Online Portal
❤️ Comprehensive Video Library
❤️ International Insurance & International Certificate on Completion that enables worldwide Registration
❤️ 7 Day in person Retreat Program in the exotic island of Bali
⬇️ To Place your Application go to:

Embrace this Rare Opportunity:

This is a Rare Opportunity to Immerse in the Sacred Feminine Arts: to grow your healer’s toolkit & receive an array of Powerful Modalities for Supporting Women in Growth & Transformation.
At the end of the Certification Training you will have the skills to work with Women in all phases of life as a Feminine Embodiment Mentor & to use these gifts to deepen the lives of women and your own Sacred work.

Deepen your Feminine Embodiment Skills &

Immerse in the Sacred Healing Arts

Our Full Training Includes:

Module 1: Sacred Feminine 

  • Stages of Woman
  • 5 Phases of Embodied Living
  • Boundaries and Sacred Needs
  • Body Residency
  • Somatic Awareness
  • Body Image
  • Introduction to Art Therapy

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Module 2: Feminine Wounding 

  • Sacred Self Care
  • Seasons & Fertility Cycles
  • Blood Gates & Nourishment
  • Womb Power Medicine
  • Healing Shame & Body Wounding
  • Trauma Release Work
  • Introduction to Symbols & Sand Therapy
  • Applying Art therapy

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Module 3: Erotic Intelligence 

  • Awakening Shakti Power
  • Re-claiming Body Intelligence
  • Amplifying the Energetic field
  • Sacred Sensuality & Sexuality Practices
  • Re-wilding to Nature
  • Elemental Nourishment
  • Applying Breathwork 1-1 & in Client groups

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Module 4: Body Temple 

  • Feminine Sensuality
  • Masculine-Feminine Polarity
  • Activating Feminine Power
  • Embodiment & Magnetism
  • Ovarian Energy & Pelvic Boundaries
  • Sacred Libido & Jade Egg
  • Introduction to Dance therapy
  • Transmuting Shame into Pleasure

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Module 5: Embodied Woman

  • Heart Pathway Activation
  • Connecting with Lineage & Ancestors
  • Soul Destiny & Divine Purpose
  • Archetypal Embodiment
  • Breasts & Heart Temple Portals
  • Introduction to Bodywork

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Module 6: Sacred Holding

  • Conscious Dance & Expressive Therapies
  • How to Lead Women’s Circles
  • Principles Of Ceremony
  • Traversing the Transpersonal Realms
  • Formulating Healing Sessions
  • Activating the Inner Healer/Medicine Woman
  • Working with Clients & Case Studies

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Module 7: Feminine Abundance

  • Belonging
  • Women & Wealth
  • Restoring the Sacred Feminine
  • Healing Scarcity & Core Wounds
  • Wealth & the Pelvis
  • Honouring the Feminine Arts
  • Womb Work with Women
  • Abundance Breathwork

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Module 8: Honouring the Feminine Arts

  • Living with Shakti Power
  • Aligning nourishment with Action
  • Sacred Union Balance
  • Lifeforce & Amplified Vibrational Living
  • Applied Body Intelligence
  • Deep Support & Rich Service
  • Structuring Sessions for Clients
  • Self Value & Embodied Healing

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Module 9: Feminine Leadership

  • Healing the Witch Wound
  • Re-claiming the Priestess & Earth Healer
  • Healing Shame & Visibility
  • Leading Ceremony & Rites of Passage
  • Feminine Alchemy: Healing the Collective
  • Re-distributing Wealth & Paradigm shifting
  • Voice, Throat Activation & Sound Healing

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Module 10: Sacred Feminine Mentoring

  • Channelling the Divine Feminine
  • Embodied Practice
  • Supporting the Morphic field
  • Triads, Diads & Support Systems
  • Feminine Mentoring in Action
  • Presence & Alchemical Change
  • Sacred Celebration & Activation

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Online Learning Portal

Soul Arts International offers educational support and community for women desiring to rise. Our 6 month Feminine Embodiment Training combines a comprehensive array of therapies & powerful healing modalities.

Our training combines online & in-person training for a rich & unique educational experience.

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Experiential Immersions

Embarking on this Alchemical Practitioner Training in Embodied Expressive Arts offers an experience filled with skills acquisition, diversity & connection.

Embedded with embodied, practical experience this rich and expressive training offers a pathway for women to work with women both 1-on-1 and in groups.

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An Alchemical Journey in The Feminine Arts

Explore the Shamanic & Transpersonal Realms

Learn how to hold a powerful space for women. Understand the anatomy of ceremony and how to successfully navigate the shamanic & transpersonal realms

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Trauma Release

Learn to guide women through a gently supported journey of trauma release with somatic therapy, breathwork and

healing touch.  

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Therapeutic Arts

Assist clients with process orientated healing with Art therapy, Clay modelling & Sand Therapy.

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Learn how to run Women’s Circles

Feeling the pulse of Shakti in our veins, we dance our feminine radiance and re-claim the power of woman. Come resource yourself dear woman, and find your fluid dance. This is a space where we offer sacred circle, exploration of the feminine arts and embodied practice.

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Facilitating with

Art Therapy

We delve into the mystery, the Transpersonal realms, to learn of our light and dark, and to truly rebirth ourselves from within. Using transpersonal art therapy we play with colour, fabric, clay, music, dance, meditation and mixed media to connect to the light within.

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Sound & Voice


Through the medicine of sound we re-awaken ancient knowing, long buried truths and cellular wisdom from deep within our bones. With sound we elevate our frequency, our divine coding and we connect to the pulse of life.

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Sisterhood & Community 

Coming into the body sphere is a sacred practice. it is within the body that we do our healing, integrate our earthly experiences and become whole and integrated in all senses of the word.

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Sacred Arts

Carving spaces in time to re-connect with our divine wonder. Awakening inner silence, a space for the sacred arts to intertwine with creative play, to re-awaken and replenish. Enjoy a deep dive into the sacred arts of Meditation & Breath Therapy. 

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Feminine Abundance

Heal the Feminine Heart using Sacred Sensuality, Massage & Healing Touch  with an understanding of the deep feminine. Here you enter a co-creative healing portal where the ancient arts embrace your body and being.

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Including Expert Facilitation

Our 6 month Feminine Embodiment Training is held by & contains some of our highly embodied women specialists, experts in their field

Adhi Bail

Adhi Bail

Yogic Practitioner & Breath Facilitator

Zoe Dodds (Gaia)

Zoe Dodds (Gaia)

Founder, Author & Sacred Feminine Mentor

Mindy Roberts

Mindy Roberts

Shamanic therapist, Breath Alchemist & Sound Healer

Tanya Wester

Tanya Wester

Mantra Artist, Yogini & Sound Weaver

From Our Students

“I found the beauty in my darkness.

I felt a shedding of layers and ancient holding – so warm and tingly, dark and safe and held.”

-B. Bourke

“The entire space and flow was held so beautifully that organically I came in to feeling and processing.”

-K. Kingwell

“I would wish this for all women, to feel so nurtured and inspired in such a gentle, beautiful space.

I feel so blessed to have a chance to attend, and feel so enriched by the experience. Thankyou.”

-L. B

“We shared, laughed, cried, embraced, expressed, danced and talked and these threads have woven such a rich experience together for me.

I have shed a skin and am excited to embrace a more playful existence. My cup is full!!!”

-L. Copland

Apply for the 2024 Feminine Embodiment Training

We invite you to submit your application early as limited places are available. Location of 2024 training: 

Australia & International Retreat Locations of Bali & Peru

Feminine Embodiment Training Application

4 + 1 =

On-site Locations

Noosa Hinterland, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

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